Aerostudies - Online Aviation Training Experts
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AEROSTUDIES Inc. is primarily about sales and support for our ASCENT Aviation E-training System.

In addition to that, we also provide the following services:

Course Development Assistance

Although our ASCENT system is designed to enable you to do it all yourself, sometimes clients could use a little help.

Course Appearance Polishing

It's easy to quickly put your existing manuals, documents, presentations, etc. into the ASCENT system, but these often don't look very good. We have business partnerships with talented web publishers and graphic artists who can help make your training look great. In ASCENT, you can even give these people special log-in accounts where they can do this work for you in your system without having access to any information or other areas they do not need access too (and it even tracks their time and actions).

Bulk importing

Bulk Importing

Sometimes clients say something like "Here's our stack of nine binders of training materials. Aerostudies, you dump it all into the system, then we'll log in and fine tune it". We have several tools and methods to take this mundane task off your hands, and do it quickly and affordably.

Graphics & Multimedia

Bulk importing

Because ASCENT is compatible with ALL web formats, you can use almost anyone with appropriate skills to create photos, illustrations, videos, animations, simulations, and other web content for your courses, made to your specifications.

And you can assign them a 'Learning Media Drop Box' log-in account (no cost) so they can drop these items off in your system and even leave instructions with them - without having any access to anything else in your system.

However, keep in mind that for workplace training, you usually do not need studio-perfect quality. A good quality video clip shot with a good quality camera by someone who knows what they are doing will do fine. But if you would like to invest in improving your training experience, the option is always there for you.

Course Authoring

Bulk importing

We have a network of people with expertise in many areas of aviation who can author good quality courses on nearly any aviation topic.

We have partnered with experts to develop courses for the FAA (we wrote the content for the mandatory DC ADIZ online training course the FAA provides, among others) and other aviation companies, small and large.

Contact Aerostudies for details.